2021 Section Meeting – Advance Documents

The Section Meeting is the legal gathering of the Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas, and it is necessary that we conduct certain business matters during the meeting. We have two business sessions scheduled, one on the afternoon of Saturday, March 13th and one on Saturday, March 20th. It is important that people who are the official representatives of their Yearly Meeting attend, as we need a quorum to conduct the business. Business will include items such as a report on our program accomplishments, nominations, affiliations of two new Yearly Meetings with FWCC, financial reports, and a budget for the next fiscal year.

Please review these advance documents and reports for the business sessions ahead of time! We are posting them as they become available.

Business Meeting Agenda


Executive Secretary Report:

Reports related to finances:

FWCC SoA Treasurer Slide Show

Committee and Program Group Reports:


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