
2021 Section Meeting

Online|March 12 - 21, 2021

Here … for just such a time as this. [Esther 4:14]

To deliver pastoral care to one another [1 Thess. 5:11]
To make new wineskins for new wine [Matt. 9:17]
To offer to the world that which we have [Acts 3:6]

We seek to gather in faith and hope. Let us turn from lamentations toward the Light, for “God is my refuge and my strength.” [Psalms 46:1] We acknowledge the world as it is and work to spread the Light that will change it, to offer pastoral care for Friends, to move toward the Quakerism that the world needs, and to turn hearts to our refuge and strength.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ And I said, “Here I am! Send me.’” [Isaiah 6:8]

March 12-21, 2021

Thank you to all who joined us!

Check out or revisit recorded events and videos:

Worship led by the Traveling Ministry Corps March 13

Manuel Guzman bible study March 16

Manuel Guzman bible study March 18

Check out our full list of videos from the Section Meeting 2021!

Reflect on messages shared during the Section Meeting:

Message brought by Sarah Hernandez, Southeastern Yearly Meeting (English)

Message brought by Nelson Ayala, El Salvador Yearly Meeting (Spanish)

Devotional messages brought by Mey Hasbrook (both English and Spanish, scroll down)

Look for the daily prayers posted on our Facebook page!

Review the documents from our business sessions.


Section Meeting Logistics and FAQs


Help us spread the word!  Invite your Friends!

  • Send them to this site:
  • Share this flyer
  • Share FWCC Facebook/Twitter/Instagram posts with your Friends
  • Use the hashtag #HereAqui
  • Share a daily prayer or reflection with our social media followers – contact robinm@fwccamericas for details!
  • Consider how your Yearly Meeting can represent during our roll call!  Can everyone wear a hat or a certain color?  Share a virtual background?  Be creative!


How much does it cost to participate?

The costs this year are as follows: $150 for registrants from the US and Canada, $25 for registrants from Latin America and the Caribbean, and $150 for any registrant coming from outside the Section of the Americas. There is a discounted fee of $50 available for registrants from the US and Canada who need additional support to participate, beyond what their monthly and/or yearly meetings may provide.

Learn More About Costs »

Technology & Accessibility

What technology do I need in order to participate in an online Section Meeting?

You need an email account in order to register. You need a computer, smartphone, or other device that can handle a Zoom call to participate most fully. It is most common to connect via the internet, but you can also connect via a phone call. With a smartphone call, you can participate fully. You can use a telephone that is not a smart phone to dial in to a Zoom call for audio only. Some social or small group events may happen on another platform TBD, but the main events will occur using Zoom. If you are in Cuba, we will work to patch you in to the Zoom calls another way.

Learn More About Technology & Accessibility »

Why the Section Meeting?

What is the Section Meeting?

The Section Meeting is the biggest conference organized by the Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas. It is held every two years. All Friends are welcome to attend! Normally we meet in person, but this year that is not possible, so we will recreate as much of the experience as we can online. The schedule includes opportunities for worship, workshops, business sessions, and small group activities. It is a great opportunity to get to know and connect with more Friends from North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean and to learn more about the Friends World Committee!

Learn More About the Section Meeting »


What is the mission of the Friends World Committee for Consultation?

Answering God’s call to universal love, FWCC brings Friends of varying traditions and cultural experiences together in worship, communications, and consultation to express our common heritage and our Quaker message to the world.

Learn More About FWCC »


Who should I contact with other questions?

For questions about registration details and payment, contact Heather Gosse. Email: Phone: 1-215-241-7250

For questions about COAL registration, contact Karen Gregorio. Email: WhatsApp: 502-30466129

For other questions about the Section Meeting, contact Heather Gosse. Email: Phone: 1-215-241-7250