FWCC and Sustainability (Video)


The December QuakerSpeak – FWCC partnership video focuses on the work that started with the Kabarak Call and led to our sustainability minute from the 2016 World Plenary in Pisac, Peru.

The Kabarak Call for Peace and Ecojustice was approved on April 24, 2012 at the Sixth World Conference Friends, held at Kabarak University near Nakuru, Kenya. It was the culmination of the FWCC World Consultation on Global Change which was held in 2010 and 2011.

In January 2016, the FWCC World Plenary Meeting approved the Pisac Sustainability Minute proposed by the Consultation on Sustaining Life on Earth. “This FWCC Plenary Meeting also asks all Yearly Meetings to initiate at least two concrete actions on sustainability within the next 12 months. These may build on existing projects of individuals or monthly meetings or they may be new initiatives. We ask that they encourage Young Friends to play key roles. We ask that meetings minute the progress and results, so as to share them with FWCC and Quaker meetings.”


If your meeting, church, or group is responding to the 2016 Sustainability Minute, please let us know how by filling out this brief form.

One way FWCC Section of the Americas has responded to this minute is by creating a Green Endowment Fund, which will invest in companies that are working responsibly towards peace and ecojustice. This new fund seeks contributions from Friends who wish to help ensure the ongoing support of the Section’s work, with assurance that their gift will be invested in a fund that is screened for Quaker values and is fossil fuel free, with a portion of the portfolio specifically invested in alternative energy and green technology. Click here to make a contribution to this new fund – select Other and specify the Green Endowment Fund under Purpose.

The Quaker Religious Education Collaborative has produced materials for those interested in using the video as part of religious ed or first day classes – or other presentations!

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